Inspired by Lenore Tawney’s weavings, the circle inside a square suggests a protective environment in which new life insights can occur. The circle represents the divine, the sacred, and eternity. The square symbolizes the finite, the physical and the material. My work envisions our lives at the threshold between the two. The weavings become a way to manifest the working out of our lives in the messiness of this world, keeping an eye on what is eternal and beyond our finite imaginations.
Silk Road Journey Series
Silk Road Journeys uses Uzbek ikat colors to suggest both physical and spiritual journeys to encounter what is different.
Mulberry paper, thread, cheesecloth, roving wool, paper and wool yarn, ikat fabric. 23x79x1 in, 2024
Silk Road Journey #1and detail
Ikat fabric was central to cultural and material exchange on the Silk Road. This work incorporates Uzbek ikat in a design inspired by Lenore Tawney’s weavings. Circles symbolize the wholeness that comes from travel.
Mulberry paper, ikat fabric, roving wool. 23x23x1 in, 2024
Silk Road Journey #2 and detail
The paper & thread weavings in the work’s center are inspired by colors of Uzbek ikat fabric. Combining the Korean process of Joomchi with colors from the Silk Road, a crossroads of people and ideas, reflects the inclusive symbolism of the circle.
Mulberry paper, thread, paper and wool yarn. 21x22.75x1 in, 2024
Silk Road Journey #3 and detail
Mulberry paper, thread, cheesecloth, roving wool, paper yarn. 22x21.5.1 in, 2024
Tribute to Lenore Tawney #1 and detail
The bark of the mulberry tree is stretched across the circle, while mulberry paper is used to make Joomchi. The geometric pattern of the circle inside the square creates a sense of order, with the mulberry bark creating a tension of disorder. In a sense, using both materials from the mulberry plant brings this work “full circle”.
Mulberry paper, mulberry bark, coffee grounds. 23.5x32x3 in, 2024
Tribute to Lenore Tawney #2 and detail
Mulberry paper is burned with incense prior to agitating with water to make Joomchi. This series of irregular holes enclosed in a circle creates a sense of the heavenly skies and looking through the holes into infinity.
Mulberry paper and buttonhole twist. 21.5x22x2 in, 2024